The most intimate and deepest way of working with me. I offer sessions that are tailored to your specific goals and desires, in the relationship you have with yourself, your body, your sexuality and your femininity. This is for you if you are ready to step into your full feminine and sexual power, yet it feels like there´s something holding you back.

I believe that we can heal anything if we closely listen to our bodies and the soft voice within us. The keys to true, deep healing lies in your body and deeper than your conscious mind - which is also the reason why just talking about your challenges will never solve them. In my work, I use a combination of techniques that access those places within you - the realm where transformation occurs, limiting beliefs and blocks melt away, where your answers and your power lie and where you can activate the self-healing mechanism of your body. Those techniques involve inner child healing, parts work, transformational breathwork, embodiment practices, hypnosis, Tao-Tantric Arts, gentle trauma release methods, vaginal self-dearmoring, ritualistic healing, womb healing to name a few. 

I have healed my own sexual and other trauma, PCOS (which is called incurable in modern medicine), severe menstrual pains, PMS, acne, hormonal issues, anxiety, food intolerances and chronic fatigue. This is why I specialize in challenges related to your sexuality, your body and your womanhood. Now, it´s my heart´s mission to guide women into their journey of sexual liberation and feminine power. My spaces are absolutely safe and free of judgement. You´re welcome in my space with all your fears, darkness, insecurities and shame - in fact, I want you to bring it. As a scorpio sun, taboos, sex, darkness and alchemy are my elixirs. 


My mentorings are available in Deutsch & English.


One online deep dive session (75min.) to break through what is holding you back in your sexuality, relationships, self-worth, body connection or feminine power. With impulses, additional tips and video/audio practices after the session. Ideal if you have one specific topic you would like to go into. 

book free call


Multiple "The Deep Dive" sessions, with a minimum of 3 - a journey you and me embark on. You receive Telegram support between the sessions and tailored video and audio practices from my courses that will further support your goals. I also offer Telegram only coaching via voice notes for a slightly smaller price - please fill out the questionnaire below to get in contact with me.


the one

6 months intensive 1:1 mentoring, including monthly sessions with me, Telegram support plus access to my signature course Sacred Metamorphosis. This is for the woman who is ready to turn her whole life around, to reclaim her full sexual and feminine power, who is ready for the deepest transformation rippling into all areas of her life - her sexuality, self-worth, relationships, body connection, purpose, feminine power. You are the one, and this mentoring will get you to embody that on every level. 


Invidividual packages | 
New:  Voice Note Coaching for reduced price

from 7.000€ net*

If you are not sure which offer suits your situation best, contact me at - and we will find the ideal package for you.

*Prices are net - if you are located in Europe, the sales tax of your country will be added. If you are located in Switzerland,  UK, United States or other non-EU countries, the net price is the final price for you.

THE temple

An individually designed min. 3h long ceremonial release and activation session tailored specifically for you and your needs - possible with womb release breathwork session, hypnotic activation & private Cacao + Blue Lotus Ceremony, in my temple in Berlin (or in request in Ibiza). Think of it as a retreat experience just for you, an energetic activation and liberation session that takes you deep into yourself. By application only. We will meet on Zoom before the session, so I get to know your needs and can tailor the ceremony specifically for you.


from 550€ net*

Payment plans available

75min 1:1 session

Multiple sessions





One online deep dive session (75min.) to break through what is holding you back in your sexuality, relationships, self-worth, body connection or feminine power. With impulses, additional tips and video/audio practices after the session. Ideal if you have one specific topic you would like to go into. 


Book free call

Multiple "The Deep Dive" sessions, with a minimum of 3 - a journey you and me embark on. You receive Telegram support between the sessions and tailored video and audio practices from my courses that will further support your goals. I also offer Telegram only coaching via voice notes for a slightly smaller price - please fill out the questionnaire below to get in contact with me.

book free call

Invidividual packages | 
NEW: Voice Note Coaching for reduced price

*Prices are net - if you are located in Europe, the sales tax of your country will be added. If you are located in Switzerland, United States or other non-EU countries, the net price is the final price for you.

75min. 1:1 session

multiple sessions

from 7000€



book free call

Starting from 550€ net*

NEW: 6 months intensive

NEW: in person private ceremony

6 months intensive 1:1 mentoring, including monthly sessions with me, Telegram support plus access to my signature course Sacred Metamorphosis. This is for the woman who is ready to turn her whole life around, to reclaim her full sexual and feminine power, who is ready for the deepest transformation rippling into all areas of her life - her sexuality, self-worth, relationships, body connection, purpose, feminine power. You are the one, and this mentoring will get you to embody that on every level. 

An individually designed min. 3h long ceremonial healing and activation session tailored specifically for you and your needs - possible with womb release breathwork session, hypnotic activation & private Cacao + Blue Lotus Ceremony, in my temple in Berlin (or in request in Ibiza). Think of it as a retreat experience just for you, an energetic activation and liberation session that takes you deep into yourself. By application only. We will meet on Zoom before the session, so I get to know your needs and can tailor the ceremony specifically for you.

Individual payment plans are available for all mentorings.

Prices are net - if you are located in Europe, the sales tax of your country will be added (e.g. +19'% for Germany). If you are located in Switzerland, United States or other non-EU countries, the net price is the final price for you.

I offer mentoring in Deutsch (mother tongue) and English.

If you are not sure which offer suits your situation best, contact me at - and we will find the ideal package for you.


*Prices are net - if you are located in Europe, the sales tax of your country will be added. If you are located in Switzerland, United States, UK or other non-EU countries, the net price is the final price for you. Payment plans are available for all offerings.

Thank you so much for the powerful 1-1 session, the depths you guided me through still continue to amaze me, it was that deep, transformative, powerful. I even got physically sick the day after our session I couldn’t even practice yoga or anything, my body just wanted to be still and integrate and integrate. I feel like it truly shifted something deep inside me, I’m much more connected to my intuition and instincts, I feel more free and open in the way I express myself - and I also feel it’s just the beginning as if a portal has been opened…After our 1:1 session, the energy has been moving pretty quickly in several areas of my life - and I’m loving it - feeling better, more confident, more empowered, more abundant, more radiant day by day - ever since I birthed my new self with you a while ago. So thank you again from the bottom of my heart, such a profound transformation led by you, totally wow! <3


Mit Silja zu arbeiten bedeutet wirklich tief zu gehen, aber auch nur so tief, wie es sich sicher für einen selbst anfühlt. Sichere Räume kreiert sie mit so viel Anmut und Feingefühl, ich konnte mich richtig fallen lassen und wir haben große Themen bei mir bearbeitet. 

Mit einer Orgasmusblockade bin ich zu ihr gekommen und ein Jahr später fühlt sich meine Sexualität nach einer komplett anderen Welt an. Ich kann meine Dankbarkeit kaum in Worte fassen, denn dass ich es mal schaffe so eine Beziehung zu meinem Körper aufzubauen, hätte ich mir wirklich niemals erträumt. Die Kraft ihrer Arbeit muss man einfach erleben. Danke Silja, danke für dein Sein und dein Wirken. Danke aus tiefstem Herzen.

Andrea hannah. 1:1 Journey

Working with Silja has been so transformational on a deep level that I am still processing. Her energy is so calm and welcoming and she creates a safe atmosphere right from the start, where repressed emotions and hidden beliefs can come to the surface and be released. In the course of the months working under her guidance I have tapped into levels of self-love and acceptance of my body in ways I´d never imagined. I´ve been finding sensuality and pleasure in little everyday moments instead of limiting them to my sex life. I am connecting to my emotions and my body more than ever before. This is deep underground work. I can´t thank you enough Silja for all your love and light!


I booked six sessions with Silja and I was full of expectations and hopes. She exceeded my expectations with the sessions. It´ s beautiful to see and feel how she was able to unfold multiple layers which were there my whole life and never touched before. It was truly life-changing and I can´t recommend her highly enough.


Silja´s Arbeit hat mir in 6 Wochen so viel geholfen, nichts anderes was ich bisher schon ausprobiert hatte. Zuvor hatte ich bereits Jahre lang mit verschiedenen Selbstheilungsübungen gearbeitet, aber manche tiefsitzenden emotionalen und körperlichen Blockaden hatten sich immer noch unlösbar angefühlt. Diese Blockaden konnte ich innerhalb von kürzester Zeit aber alle mit Silja lösen. Es war eine sehr intensive, transformierende Zeit für mich mit Silja 1 on 1 arbeiten zu dürfen und ich bin ihr sehr, sehr dankbar für ihre Unterstützung. Ein Jahr später greife ich immer noch auf Übungen und Tools zurück die ich von ihr gelernt habe :)


Ganz behutsam, besonnen und liebevoll - so werde ich von Dir an der Hand genommen. Stunden, Tage und Wochen später hat sich viel in mir bewegt, ist mir vieles klar geworden, was ich vorher nicht sehen, nicht spüren konnte (oder wollte?). Seitdem hat sich vieles in meinem Leben verändert, ich habe vieles verändert. Deine Art mit mir zu kommunizieren: so wertschätzend, so gar nicht wertend. Eine zauberhafte, magische, starke und stärkende Erfahrung. Danke. 




About me - Silja

Alchemistress. Lover. Healer. Mystic. Artist. Truth seeker. Woman.

I´m a woman just like you. I devoted myself to deep inner liberation and healing, which led me through sexual and other trauma to living the free life I live now. My mission is to show you that you, too, can alchemize whatever is weighing you down - into power, beauty and liberation. The medicine is in your body and beyond your conscious mind. I´m deeply devoted to the feminine, to truth and the mysteries of life and bring sacredness back to sexuality. I hold safe spaces for women to reclaim the pleasures of being a woman, melting pain and unloved parts into love.  I would be honored to be your guide in your sexual and feminine liberation journey.

Vita & Trainings

I hold a M. Sc. in Medical Anthropology (University of Amsterdam), minored in Psychology (Universität Heidelberg), have trained as 200h sex, love & relationship coach (VITA), 200h Kundalini Yoga teacher (3HO) and I am certified in hypnosis (Dr. Manuela Vanheiden). I additionally draw on 11 years of self-taught and embodied knowledge about breathwork techniques, gentle trauma release techniques (mostly based on the work of Peter Levine), vaginal dearmoring, embodiment & movement medicine, ritualistic healing, womb healing, Taoism & Tantra, meditation and feminine temple arts. I work intuitively, as every client and every situation asks for very specific tools and combinations.