Day retreat: sei dabei
get 30 days of pleasure for 30€
Instagram @silja.janina

I create transformational spaces for women to remember their inherent feminine power, wild holiness and radiant worthiness. I lead women into shameless pleasure, sacred sex and deep healing. For a holy life and a wild, open heart and pussy.

I create transformational spaces for women to remember their inherent feminine power, wild holiness and radiant worthiness. I lead women into shameless pleasure, sacred sex and deep healing. For a holy life and a wild, open heart and pussy.

Sex & Love
The Wild / Dark Feminine
Mystical Things
The Female Body
what i love writing about

With Love, Silja


Disclaimer: uncomfortable (& potentially triggering) truth bomb coming your way.

Do you want your man to embrace and truly love your wild woman, dark feminine and your full sexual expression?

Many women say this, yet deep down they actually fear or judge male sexuality. They fear the primal and the wild aspects of masculinity. They’re afraid of dark masculine energy.

Then it’s no wonder that you feel like men can’t hold your fullness. 

You cannot expect him to hold your wild woman + your dark feminine – if you cannot hold his too.

Would you feel safe if he shared his deep primal desires with you?

Do you trust him and the masculine enough to feel safe even in his wild sexuality?

If you want your man to hold your full spectrum feminine, YOU in your wild, in your dark, in your ALL then…

1. You have to actually KNOW your full spectrum, and OWN all parts of you first.

2. And most importantly: you have to be able hold his full spectrum masculine too: the wild, the dark, the sexual.

I see so many woman talking about reclaiming their wild woman, dark feminine and wanting a man that holds ALL OF THEM.

But when a man comes with ALL OF HIM, with his wild, with his dark, they’re like: umm no, this feels scary. Then suddenly the cheetah turns into a kitten.

Healing your relationship to the masculine is a HUGE part in your sexual empowerment and healing (no matter if you are sexually into men or not).

And as long as you judge and fear (healthy!) wild expression of masculinity and male sexuality, you haven’t fully embraced all of your dark & wild feminine yet.

When you TRULY reclaim your dark feminine, your wild feminine and your sexual wholeness – the masculine becomes safe in all his expressions too.

Note: I refer to healthy, conscious expressions of wild and dark masculinity and sexuality – not toxic, distorted ones that SHOULD feel unsafe because they are.

Sexual Alchemy – my course on shadow work & sexual healing – is closed until 2025, but you you can join the waitlist here.

If you don’t want to wait, Sacred Metamorphosis is my full signature course (including Sexual Alchemy) in which you will not only learn to feel safe with yourself and others, but also to deepen your pleasure and reclaim your sexual wholeness.

Day retreat: sei dabei
get 30 days of pleasure for 30€
Instagram @silja.janina

I create transformational spaces for women to remember their inherent feminine power, wild holiness and radiant worthiness. I lead women into shameless pleasure, sacred sex and deep healing. For a holy life and a wild, open heart and pussy.

I create transformational spaces for women to remember their inherent feminine power, wild holiness and radiant worthiness. I lead women into shameless pleasure, sacred sex and deep healing. For a holy life and a wild, open heart and pussy.

Sex & Love
The Wild / Dark Feminine
Mystical Things
The Female Body
what i love writing about

With Love, Silja