make love with the universe practice
Neu: sex & soul bibliothek
get 30 days of pleasure for 30€
Instagram @silja.janina

I create transformational spaces for women to remember their inherent feminine power, wild holiness and radiant worthiness. I lead women into shameless pleasure, sacred sex and deep healing. For a holy life and a wild, open heart and pussy.

I create transformational spaces for women to remember their inherent feminine power, wild holiness and radiant worthiness. I lead women into shameless pleasure, sacred sex and deep healing. For a holy life and a wild, open heart and pussy.

Sex & Love
The Wild / Dark Feminine
Mystical Things
The Female Body
what i love writing about

With Love, Silja


Is this normal? Am I normal?

Probably there’s no woman that has NOT ever asked herself this. So let me give you your answers to what is and what isn’t normal about your body.

It’s normal to accidentally bleed into your panties, clothes and bed sheets when you have your period.

It’s normal to have stretch marks on your butt, thighs, breasts and everywhere else.

It´s normal to have pores. In fact, there is no skin without pores.

It’s normal to have no breasts, small breasts, large breasts, sagging breasts and different sized breasts.

It’s normal to have big nipples, small nipples, dark nipples, light nipples or inverted nipples.

It’s normal to have inner labia that are longer than your outer ones or asymmetrical labia. In fact, around 50% of all vulvas have longer inner than outer labia.

It’s normal to have different coloured skin around your pussy, like purple, brown, light, red or pink.

It’s normal to have vaginal discharge in your panties (vaginal discharge is healthy – it’s your pussy´s natural way of cleaning herself. Read more about it here.)

It’s normal to have hair on your body. Yes, also on your vulva, your anus, your breasts and your toes. Yes, it’s also normal to have dark or thick hair. We all have hair everywhere. And it doesn’t make you less feminine.

It’s normal to be naturally very skinny, and it’s also normal if your body feels more soft and round. It´s also normal for your body to fluctuate each month and over time.

It’s normal to have a different body after pregnancy and giving birth.

It’s normal to be human. Yes, we women are actual humans too. Even though we sometimes appear like goddesses or otherworldly creatures.

We bleed, we sweat, we smell, we have hair like any other human being. 

Don’t sterilize your femininity. Allow it to be wild. Scare away what doesn’t belong to you by being your wild, beautiful self. Make your own rules about your body.

Don’t let beauty industries who feed on your insecurities tell you what’s normal or beautiful. Think about how the beauty standard changed just within the last 10 years. It started with big breasts, now it´s big butts. In the 90´s, heroine chic was beautiful – which means being super skinny, as if you were a heroin addict. Now it’s beautiful to have big butts and thighs – something you would have been shamed for just some years ago. Do you see that beauty ideals are an artificial creation? They are created to feed certain industries. 

If you want to always comply with beauty standard, you would literally have to adapt your body every few years through training, surgery or make up. That’s pretty sick I would say.

You’re not not beautiful. You’re just wrongly conditioned. You’re trained to see flaws where there are none.

In the 70s it was super sexy to have a hairy pussy. Now porn popularised the ideal of being hairless.

So better make your own rules about your temple. Find your own truth. Discover your unique beauty. Dare to be you and different.

And remember that everything about your body is normal and natural. And everything on and about your body is feminine. How could something on a female body not be feminine? Doesn’t even make sense. 

Nature is so much more wise than conditioned human beauty standards and fucked up social norms. Nature is perfect – just look at her.

So trust that nature built you just perfectly. Wild, unique, beautiful, feminine you.

Learn to free yourself. There’s so much more room to breathe and to enjoy on the other side of these boxes. 

Check out 30 Days of Pleasure to celebrate your body & find 30 easy practices for more self-love, sensuality and pleasure in your everyday life 🍓

If you want to dive deeper, in The Love Siren Deluxe, you find tools and practices to feel absolutely comfortable and fall in love with your body, your pussy and all that you are 🌹 Because when you embody self-love, you shine your true self, attract the people that are meant for you and can see your own unique beauty.

make love with the universe practice
Neu: sex & soul bibliothek
get 30 days of pleasure for 30€
Instagram @silja.janina

I create transformational spaces for women to remember their inherent feminine power, wild holiness and radiant worthiness. I lead women into shameless pleasure, sacred sex and deep healing. For a holy life and a wild, open heart and pussy.

I create transformational spaces for women to remember their inherent feminine power, wild holiness and radiant worthiness. I lead women into shameless pleasure, sacred sex and deep healing. For a holy life and a wild, open heart and pussy.

Sex & Love
The Wild / Dark Feminine
Mystical Things
The Female Body
what i love writing about

With Love, Silja