make love with the universe practice
Neu: sex & soul bibliothek
get 30 days of pleasure for 30€
Instagram @silja.janina

I create transformational spaces for women to remember their inherent feminine power, wild holiness and radiant worthiness. I lead women into shameless pleasure, sacred sex and deep healing. For a holy life and a wild, open heart and pussy.

I create transformational spaces for women to remember their inherent feminine power, wild holiness and radiant worthiness. I lead women into shameless pleasure, sacred sex and deep healing. For a holy life and a wild, open heart and pussy.

Sex & Love
The Wild / Dark Feminine
Mystical Things
The Female Body
what i love writing about

With Love, Silja


Do you know what’s the most powerful place within you?

The most powerful place within you is beyond your mind, beyond logic and beyond words.

It’s the mystical place of wholeness, of truth, of intuition, of powerful limitlessness. You can call it the divine within you, source, your soul, or if all this is too spiritual for you – a place deep in your subconscious.

It lies beyond your limiting beliefs, trauma or fears – which can lay on top like clouds, making it harder to see or feel it.

Imagine for a moment – who would you be if all that holds you back would fall away? If you wouldn´t know any fears or blocks? If you knew that whatever you desire – it´s actually possible?

What would you do? How would your life change, right in this moment? (If you like, journal on this!)

Regularly tapping into this inner source, connecting with this power is deeply transformational, healing, nourishing and creates real change in your life.

It brings your relationships, your sexuality, your confidence, your femininity, your everything to a next level.

And maybe you haven’t yet tapped into that place. And that’s okay too. We can easily forget or become distracted from this mystical place within us.

All my work aims to connect you with your mystical place of limitless power – through rituals, ceremonies, pleasure + orgasms, meditations, breathwork, intuitive movement and dance, sound, being in sisterhood, plant medicine, Tantra, Taoism…they are all sacred doorways that can lead you there.

Especially in my retreats, it feels like this powerful mystical feminine portal opens for several days –  washing away what needs to go, opening our hearts, bodies and souls, releasing anything so we can return reborn, as a new woman.

More powerful, more in our femininity, more in our truth, sexual confidence, more blissful. 

All ancient cultures, were deeply involved in mysticism and regularly held rituals to go beyond the mind. If you’d like to know more about why rituals are so transformational, read THIS article.

Ancient Egypt is a culture that was all built on mysticism, rituals and accessing other realms.

Did you know that Ancient Egyptian even had sex rituals & parties? There’s a lot we don’t know, but it’s apparent that sexuality, fertility, rituals and death all played an essential role in their culture.

The most sacred ritual plant for them was the Blue Lotus.

It’s the plant of intuition, (lucid) dreaming, of mysticism…and of sex. It’s an aphrodisiac, it makes you slightly euphoric, relaxed. It is said to ease menstrual cramps.

This plant medicine works in the subtle realms – for me it’s a plant aid in accessing the space I mentioned before. And if you’re wondering if you have that place or you need it: absolutely, if you want to thrive.

We often place so much value on the visible, the apparent. While true power and magic lies in the invisible, it can only be felt.

Take Cleopatra for example. In Hollywood movies, she is always played by classical beautiful actresses. We don’t know exactly how she looked like, but it’s very likely that she was not what today’s beauty standards are.

She had a crooked, large nose and was said NOT to have had “standard beauty” features. Her beauty was actually the LEAST important or interesting thing about her.

What she had was irresistible charm, intelligence, education and humour.

THAT´S what made her one of the most powerful women in whole human history. That’s what made all the important men fall wildly in love with her.


She treated herself like a goddess. Like she was the most important person. She had high self worth.

So take Cleopatras example as a reminder that your outside is the least interesting thing about you. People fall in love with your smile. They connect with you because of your thoughts. How you see the world.

You can purchase highest quality, directly sourced Blue Lotus from Sri Lanka from me HERE – if you want to order outside of Germany, contact me at

make love with the universe practice
Neu: sex & soul bibliothek
get 30 days of pleasure for 30€
Instagram @silja.janina

I create transformational spaces for women to remember their inherent feminine power, wild holiness and radiant worthiness. I lead women into shameless pleasure, sacred sex and deep healing. For a holy life and a wild, open heart and pussy.

I create transformational spaces for women to remember their inherent feminine power, wild holiness and radiant worthiness. I lead women into shameless pleasure, sacred sex and deep healing. For a holy life and a wild, open heart and pussy.

Sex & Love
The Wild / Dark Feminine
Mystical Things
The Female Body
what i love writing about

With Love, Silja